Sunday, February 25, 2007


heehee someones having a great night! c'est moi!!! so i was talking to one of my amazing phenomenal friends and she made sense of everything! I *heart* this girl so much! she told me about this thing and i told her about this thing and it was amazing how we both think the same! =] we decided we should just do things when we feel like it or else the moments gone and once its gone it doesn't come back.

so you all know i am not perfect, far from it. haha and yes i do some pretty stupid and sometimes spontaneous things (and if you haven't seen me do it well just you wait and see) and sometimes things that i really shouldn't haha and yes i know they are bad to do but i don't know they are fun. i think we should forget the rulebook at times just chuck it out the window and do what we want cuz when we do some pretty great things can happen. and haha i seriously wish i liked someone like seriously can someone just come! cuz if they did and i liked them i know exactly what i'd do (its kinda a secret haha) but i don't so i have to save my little plan for a while...haha but when the chance comes i will definitely take it because i learned my lesson, once the moments gone you can't just get it back, so take your chances when you have them.

(oh i just thought of something don't do something totally unreasonable because that might cause some problems like for example if you have a crush on the milkman - haha a milkman lol- don't just go up to the milkman and bring him a cow and say hey milkman im in love with you so here's a cow and a bucket the milkman might just think you're crazy and never come back and then you will never get your milk again will you? then you'll get osteoperosis because of a calcium deficiency.hahaha)