Saturday, March 10, 2007

I should be in bed but instead I'm here.

I just love this picture. Okay so its almost 4 am and I'm not tired although I know I should go to sleep. Oh well whatever I can sleep when I'm dead. haha I'm in a really good mood right now. I'm so thankful to God for everything He has given me, and for the oppurtunity to go on Outreach. I really don't know what to expect anymore and have decided to try and to throw out all my preconcieved notions.

On another note I realised that I have to be more careful of what I wish for because I was just thinking of everything I have wanted over the past year and wished for and how nothing really turned out like I would have imagined. So I think if you do something and expect nothing out of it, and something amazing happens then you will be pleasantly surpirsed, whereas if you go into something having really high expectations you'll get crushed when nothing turns out like you had planned.

So when nothing is going like you had planned...I suppose your supposed to adjust and just go with the flow, but I find it really hard sometimes to just accept something the way it is. I find I'm always trying to change something, make it better. Sometimes this is good but other times its not. Life can be really good if you let go of making everything perfect. Perfection is a state of mind, and once you realise that your better off just trying your best not being perfect you can and will be much happier. You can find beauty in everything, in the good and the bad and the inbetween, if you try hard enough. Strive for the best but when you fall short, which you are bound to do since you are only human learn from your experiences.
Well I better actually try and sleep now. Nite everyone. Lovelove Nikki.
I love this song. Actually I love the girl in this music video shes so cute and I love her clothes lol. Enjoy!

Music Video Codes

1 comment:

Jonathan Oleander said...

YOU'RE GONE. :( gah. i'ma respond to your comment to my blog on here :P


1. Haha, dads are so weird. Make sure I'm never like that, k?

3. thanks =D praying for you too. you best tell me EVERYTHING!!

4. ooh vitamin e is awesome, but i find it disgusting to touch. it makes me want to vomit. it's so gross and thick and just ew.

5. read my blog on this =P title is "sunday."

6. OH I PRAY it's 1%! haha! i hope so!!

7. modeling is TOTALLY my fave subject [/sarcasm] no, me is my fave subject. i know the most about me. :* [totally kidding haha]

8. your crazy hair + guatamealaean humidity = poof. i tell ya. =P

love you <3