Monday, April 9, 2007


okay what to not sure as nothing too exciting has happened.
recent not excitign events that have taken place are the following
1. yearbook is over. and completed.
2. i downloaded all the what not to wear podcasts on my ipod as well as modtv and elle vogue and something else.
3. i painted my nails.
4. i applied for jobs which i know i will not get.
5. i babysat soemthing i never do. especially not with actual babies.
6. i forgot about this. i went to bellingham and realised how true that is about americans. i love canada.

i believe they should make muzzles for babies yes i love them but they can cry better than a screamo screamer can scream. reasons why i don't want a baby
1. you get very fat and even after its out your 'glowing' skin doesn't look so glowy anymore. more like sticky sweat. and u can no longer fit into that perfect dress that you simply adore. nor can u buy the same dress in a different size because it doesn't come in sizes bigger than small. and you are huge.
2. its like your constipated but you're not and its stuck like that for nine months. causing you to have to go to the bathroom all the time. hahaha french. oh good times.
3. morning sickness. what can i say but ew
4. no sleep. yes i tend to say i can sleep when i'm dead i have better things to do than sleep. but when you're sleep deprived you go crazy. take it from me i get very little sleep and end up doing extremly retarded things. and lookign like a terrible mess. and this is not fun. especially when you're in the middle of a math exam and you're halfway through a question and you almost fall asleep.

now after all this horribleness. i still love kids. maybe one day i'll actually want some of my own that i don't just play with for a few hours and return to their owner i mean parents when they cry.

but who knows. i mean there might be pros of having children...for example being able to dress them up. that is very fun. and taking pictures of them and watching them experience new things with a total look of amazment in the world.

now let me tell you this, if i have a child which i most likely will (unless i become a cat lady whose very bitter at the world or one of those crazy couples that believe that having a dog is the same as having a child. ) i will dress them up and have matching clothes and paint their room. decorate it. make all the other mothers very envious of my little darling. i will go to the states and buy them one of those creepy dolls they make to look like you (if u want one go to American Girl). i will do all that. and more because how can you not?

anyways i must be off. lovelove nitenite x's and o's and may you be blessed enough to create a baby muzzle. ~Nikki


Anonymous said...


I called you a bunch and left a message and talked to your grandma but we had communication issues and I was all antsy until I found your blog! Ok here's the deal: I miss you tons and need to hear about this exciting Guatemala business. Also, pregrad is actually in 8 days, (Carmen bought you a ticket - she beat me to it) and you have to come over to my house w/ her and maybe Laura to get ready!

You have have have to call me!

Hearts from Grace

.:Nikki:. said...

haha omg aw SHE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO PICK UP THE PHONE! we've only told her like a gazillion times. and i tried to call u but u weren't there. miss u muchomucho too! haha and i'll totally come. xoxo

.:Nikki:. said...

WAIT how did u find my blog?