Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"Stupid" Sarah McLachlan

I was listening to this song and it just seemed to make a lot of sense. I love it!
The chorus makes so much sense its a bit scary even. In retrospect things are so clear, they make so much sense.
We wonder how we could have ever been so confused. Or I do at least. What stupid choices we/I can make when our/my judgement is clouded.
Then her voice is just amazing. So anyways i love this song. thats all. night.

"Stupid" Sarah McLachlan
Night lift up the shades
Let in the brilliant light of morning
But steady there now
For I am weak and starving for mercy
Sleep has left me alone
To carry the weight of unravelling where we went wrong
It's all I can do to hang onto keep me from falling
Into old familiar shoes

How stupid could I be
A simpleton could see
That you're no good for me
But you're the only one I see

Love has made me a fool
It set me on fire and watched as I floundered
Unable to speak
Except to cry out and wait for your answer
But you come around in your time
Speaking of fabulous places
Create an oasis
Dries up as soon as you're gone
You leave me here burning
In this desert without you


Everything changes
Everything falls apart
Can't stop to feel myself losing control
But deep in my senses I know


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