Wednesday, April 25, 2007

bad hair day...

so why is it that when people say something i tend not to believe them? ever happen to you?
like they say something about you whether it be good or bad i tend not to believe them.

i suppose today was a very very off day. i blame it on the horrible hair that i walked around with all day (because everyone knows that if u have a bad hair day the rest of your day can follow suit).

so anyways i was thinking about this. and i thought hm. okay so why don't i believe them ever? i could lie to you and say i have no idea why but in truth i have a pretty good idea. nevertheless unless a thought or notion is drilled into my head (me being rather stubborn at times) i will refuse to believe, admit, accept whatever has been said. but anyways i realised that i should stop this ridiculous behavior if i ever want to get anywhere.

this brings me to my next point. things are easier said than done. we have a rule no one's supposed to feed the dog human food cuz we don't want her begging all the time. well of course when she looks so cute wagging her little tail we have all succumbed to temptation and given her a yummy little (or big) treat, i mean how can you resist? so my dad the biggest enforcer of this rule is always after my grandma for giving the dog food. and when caught giving the dog food (i mean feeding the dog right out of her hand) she will say
"no i didn't give the dog food! of course not me never!!!"
"we just saw you"
"no u didn't"
"yes we did"
"oh that it just dropped"
"you were feeding the dog out of your hand"
"no i wasn't"
"yes you were"
"no of course not i was just wiping her mouth"
"well when she gets sick later you're cleaning it up"
"oh she wont get sick"
2 hours later
"whats this?how did she get sick if you didn't feed her?"
"oh maybe the food dropped on the ground how should i know?
so you see this little scenario is rather annoying and repetative and my grandma always denies even if caught. well today guess what? i saw my dad giving the dog cheerios! so yes things are easier said than done.

well thats all for now. Nite nite xoxo Nikki


Jonathan Oleander said...

I'm the total opposite. When people say something about me, I completely believe it and like put my faith in them... not exactly a good extreme either.

Your hair then may have been gross but now it's GORGEOUS, so at least it's good now and you work it. TRES fierce. =P

lol@your dog thing, and HAHAH@your dad feeding the dog. that's too funny.

post more please. =P

.:Nikki:. said...

hey who ever said it was my hair??!

.:Nikki:. said...

just kidding lol.